A great stone for manifestation, particularly to Aries signs, Citrine will help with guidance and new beginnings. A positive stone full of luck and joy, Citrine is a must have to promote happiness to this sign.
An extremely powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. It has strong cleansing powers and enhances spiritual awareness. Amethyst is beneficial to mind ,calming or stimulating as required. It facilitates the decision-making process, bringing in common sense and spiritual insights. A natural tranquillizer, it can be used to regulate the power of Rose Quartz and filter in only wanted energies.
A dream stone, releasing negative thoughts and irritability and soothing the mind. It balances personalities, integrating mind with body, to stimulate ideas. Jade can be used in meditation as it has calming effects on the mind.
Rose Quartz
The 'love' stone, Rose Quartz is known to bring peace, calming energies along with self-love and comfort.