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Smudging Instructions

Smudging Instructions

 Palo Santo & White Sage

1. Remove gemstone from smudge stick. Position the gemstones in the space you intend to cleanse.

Note: For Palo Santo use one stick at a time.

2. Take a moment to set your intention.

3. Light a candle then use the flame to light your smudge stick. Once the flame appears then blow out until it's just smoke and embers.

4. Walk into the smoke a few times to cleanse yourself, then move the smudge stick around your space. You may use a feather in your other hand to guide the smoke around.

5. Place the smudge stick in a fireproof dish or Abalone Shell to burn out.


Smudging Tips

- Practice Mindfulness whilst clearing the space.

- You may need to relight the smudge stick a few times during the process.

- If you have both White Sage and Palo Santo, use Sage first then Palo Santo as it has a softer, sweeter scent that will leave your space feeling warm and welcoming.

- If you have smudge sticks leftover after use, you may re-use it for next time.